The Power control library provides the following functions.


Name Description
AutoPowerDown Sets the AutoPowerDown settings.
ChargeIndicator Enables/Disables the LED lighting during charging.
dipoweroff Sets the enable/disable of power off.
GetAPDTime This function gets the time until power off is executed.
GetBatteryVoltage Returns the output voltage level of the battery in mVolts.
Idle Sets the reader in a 'sleep' mode to reduce the power consumption.
IsChargingState Returns the current charging state of the terminal.
IsPoweredDown This function is used to find out if the handheld terminal has been powered down.
PowerOff Turn off the power.
SetPoweronKey Specifes the key to turn on the power.
SetWakeupKey Specifies the key to recover in standby mode.
SoftReset Reboot the device.
UseResume Enable/Disable the resume function.
Wait Reduces power consumption in standby mode, etc.
The operation will resume after the specified time.

Last updated: 2024/01/26