The Display library provides the following functions.


Name Description
Backlight Turns on/off the LCD backlight.
BackLightLvl Sets the brightness of the LCD backlight.
ClearDisplay Fills the display with the background color, erasing previous content.
Cursor Controls the appearance of the cursor and behavior at the end of the line.
DrawCircle Draws a circle on the LCD.
DrawEllipse Draws an ellipse on the LCD.
DrawLine Draws a line on the screen.
FillCircle Draws and fills a circle on the LCD.
FillEllipse Draws and fills an ellipse on the LCD.
FillScreen Draws and fills a rectangle on the LCD.
FlipScreen Makes it possible to display the screen content upside down.
GetFont Gets the specified font type.
GetFontSize Returns the width and the height of a character of the current font.
GetLineHeight Returns the line height of the string. (Including line spacing).
GetOffset Gets the start position of the screen display (vertical and horizontal) in dots.
GetScreen Gets the picture image drawn on the rectangular area of the LCD screen.
GotoXY Moves the cursor position to a new location.
LoadDisplay Restores the pixels of a screen display that were previously stored in a file.
OsStatus Sets the state (show / hide) of the status bar.
PrintSymbol Prints a symbol on the screen.
SaveDisplay Saves the pixels of a screen display into a file.
ScrollUp Moves the content of the display up by the specified number of pixels.
SetBackColor Sets the background color.
SetCursorColor Sets the cursor color.
SetFont Selects a character font.
SetLineSpacing Specifies the line spacing of the string.
SetOffset Sets the start position of the screen screen.
SetPixel Sets one point (pixel) on the screen.
SetScreen Draws a picture image to a rectangular area on the LCD screen.
SetTextColor Sets the font color.
ShowBMP Draws a BMP image on the screen.
ShowGIF Draw a GIF image on the screen.
ShowJPG Draws a JPEG image on the screen.
ShowJPG_File Draw a JPG file on the screen.
ShowPicture Places a bitmap on the screen.
WhereX Returns the X-coordinate of the current cursor position.
WhereY Returns the Y-coordinate of the current cursor position.

Last updated: 2023/01/16